WordPress Plugin BP Members Avatar map

BP Members Avatar map
Requires WordPress Version:WP 2.9, BuddyPress 1.2.4 or higher
Add a Google map display with all the members location with their avatar.
Map plugin to show all members location and Avatars for BuddyPress sites.

This is done with the users registering their address latitude and longitude and not by addressing the geolocation service all the time but only on registration

by taking the Location field and requesting the latitude and longitude from Open Street Map Nominatim geolocation service .This plugin will be developed more further than initial release.

The admin settings page allows the map to be assigned dimensions plus various map rendering options .

Important: You must have set up an extended profile field named 'Location' this can be either set to in the 'Base' group in which case it will appear on the signup page or you can create a new group and have the field display on the members profile settings. The map will only display once the member has added their location to this new field. You must also set up a latitude and longitude field. !!very importent!! You can either set the latitude and longitude field in the base group to show it on the sign up page or create a new group for the field name in which case it will show in the users profle setup and public display only. You Can set up an extended profile field named 'Info' to show the member info in the map - not a must...

Author: Vardi

Post-it for writers
Requires WordPress Version: 3.0 or higher

  • Add your Post-it box below the box for writing posts or pages in the admin panel.
  • You have options to insert Post-it box to admin panel for posts, pages or both.
  • You can make changes in the rich text editor.
  • Very simple configuration.

Visit plugin site: http://www.darkomitrovic.com/wp-plugin/post-it/

Author: Darko Mitrovic

WordPress Google Form
Requires WordPress Version: 3.0 or higher
Embeds a published, public Google Form in a WordPress post, page, or widget.
NOTE - This plugin is very much In Development! Some functionality may not work as expected (yet).

Fetches a published Google Form using a [gform form=''] WordPress shortcode, removes the Gooogle wrapper HTML and then renders it as an HTML form embedded in your blog post or page. The only required parameter is url, which specifies the form you'd like to retrieve. Recommended but optional, you can also pass a URL for a confirmation page. The confirmation page will override the default GoogleThank You page and offers better integration with your WordPress site. You can also supply a customized class value for styling the form.

For example, suppose you want to integrate the form at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_US&pli=1&formkey=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ12345678#gid=0, (not a real URL) use the following shortcode in your WordPress post or page:

[gform form='https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_US&pli=1&formkey=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ12345678#gid=0']
Currently, this plugin only supports Google Forms that are "Published as a web page" and therefore public. Private Google Forms are not supported.


Author:  mpwalsh8


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