WordPress Plugin Total Backup

Total Backup
Requires WordPress Version: 2.9 or higher
This plugin backs up a whole WordPress site and its database into a zip file.

This plugin backs up a whole WordPress site and its database into a zip file.

Click the "Site Backup" button to start the backup. While backing up, the site is in the maintenance mode. Completed with no problem, the back up files are listed up. Backing up is a kind of heavy process, so too many files may cause timeout errors.

PHP5 Required.

Special thx * DigitalCube Co. Ltd.! * takenori matsuura

"Total Backup" has been translated into languages. Our thanks and appreciation must go to the following for their contributions:

Japanese (ja) - OKAMOTO Wataru (plugin author)
If you have translated into your language, please let me know.

Authors:  wokamoto,  megumithemes

Mediaburst: Ecommerce SMS Notifications
Requires WordPress Version: 3.2.1 or higher
This plugin is in very early development. The plugin will eventually add SMS notifications to your WordPress based ecommerce site!

This plugin is in early development, and there is currently little point in installing it.
The plugin will eventually add SMS notifications to your WordPress based ecommerce site!

Authors:  simonwheatley,  mediaburst

Requires WordPress Version: 2.8 or higher
The WriteHive WP plugin allows for passionate writers and publishers to leverage syndication.

Syndicate all your existing posts and new posts with a click of the mouse. Your content is submitted centrally for access to publishers around the world who can publish your content as easily as you submitted it. You set the terms of use and the publisher accepts them - including payment if you want to get paid.

WriteHive syndicated articles are not editable, title and tags can be modified, but the body of the article is not editable.

The WriteHive WP plugin is focused on stability of features. We will soon be rolling out aggregated comments, search enhancements for content and most importantly your feedback will result in changes. Let us know what you do or don't like and what you might like to see in the future.

Author:  writehivedev

Content Warning
Requires WordPress Version: 2.8 or higher
This plugin provides a warning dialog box with a ton more options.

Using Ajax & Thickbox, the content warning box shows a message to users with the option to enter or leave the site. This plugin, as with v1, is useful for users that host mature or offensive content inside their sites. Additionally Administrators may now designate either a url or page, for BOTH the enter and exit links within the dialog.

v1 of this plugin (originially provided by rajeevan) prompted the user, no matter which page was visited, and provided a 'site-wide' cookie and session. v2 expands on this idea and also provides the administrator with a slew of new options, outlined below.

v2 Features
Administrators can now select per-post / per-page access or utilize the previous site-wide function.
Better cookie expiration calculations (for the simple minded)
Allow Administrators to provide Authors AND Editors with the ability to disable the prompt on their posts/pages.
If the previous is set to allow, then Administrators can set the default for the post should the Editor or Aurhor neglect to disable the prompt.
Let's Administrators designate an enter and exit page via dropdown menu.
Administrators can select rather to use a URL or Page as the enterance/exit links.


For the enter link if the Administrator does not fill in the URL and leaves the Page to NONE, the default will be to just close the dialog. For the exit link the default will direct the user to a default URL.

Author:  Phyrax

Requires WordPress Version: 2.0.2 or higher
Creates exams with unlimited number of questions and answers. Assigns grade after the exam is taken.

Create exams and quizzes and display the result immediately after the user takes the exam. You can assign grades and point levels for every grade. Then assign points to every answer to a question and Watu will figure out the grade based on the total number of points collected.

Watu for WordPress is a light version of Watu Exam. Check it if you want to run fully featured exams with data exports, student logins, categories etc.

Author:  prasunsen

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